📢Calling Artists + Biologists! —A FREE Illustration online course!✍️🏾—Drawing Nature, Science and Culture: Natural History Illustration, an award winning course by . —https://t.co/b8i9Is1Hff—Starts 10/5

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🌌“In many ways, my series, ‘Cosmos,’ is a meditative exercise to understand how I fit into this vast spectrum of existence, by forcing the microscopic and macrocosmic together into a singular art object,” - Marcus DeSieno

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"Through exhibitions of these illustrations, we hope more people will support environmental protection + birdlife,”...a side benefit may be attracting more artists to scientific illustration. "I like painting, and now I have lost my heart to

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Drawing on ART to help us understand SCIENCE ✍️🏾—"We not only illustrate the appearance of these birds but also their ecological habitats...We want people to learn a lot about a species through only one illustration.” —https://t.co/LPjX9DOQtJ

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"From a child I had an inordinate desire for knowledge, and especially music, painting, flowers, and the sciences…" - George Washington Carver

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📢Calling Science Illustrators! —Visiting Artist Residency at The Cornell Lab of Ornithology 🐦via the Bartels Science Illustration Program to create illustrations of birds + more! —Paid, 6-9 months. 🪶Apply by 10/4: https://t.co/bPXDzoSohT

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💎Beautiful Creatures: Jewelry Inspired by the Animal Kingdom —Cool exhibition . —"..extraordinary jewelry, inspired by fish, birds, butterflies, panthers, lizards, even spiders + jellyfish among others..."

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520 million years of Vertebrate Evolution! —artfully visualized and drawn by —Drawn to Explain https://t.co/IVUJ7kKg8h

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✍️🏾Drawing + Biology —"the artist co-creating images with scientists and thereby influencing the way that both understand the phenomena..."— an must read!—Philosophy of Biology: Drawing and the dynamic nature of living systems https://t.co/GSge2GlptC

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✍️🏾🦎Drawing —#Herpetology + Illustration via scientific illustrator Sandra Sanz —"I’ve been drawing ever since I could hold a pencil, + I remember chasing snakes, lizards + frogs from our local fauna as a little kid."💚🦎🐍🐸🐢 https://t.co/NhNDCtxHxp

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📢The Exhibition is LIVE! —Check out artworks about + Biology by 40+ Art & Design students. 🙌🏾Celebrate the artists + our collab w/ for —Online Gallery: https://t.co/lgKfPmWOaA

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📢Call for Microscopy Images + Videos! 🔬—"The Nikon Small World Competition is open to to anyone with an interest in and photography through the microscope." —Submit your work by 4/30. https://t.co/HfemH4YCIH

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📢Artists, Biologists, Educators, and Students! —Check out this incredible visual resource: >150,000 Botanical + Animal Illustrations available to download for FREE. —Thanks to !🙌🏾 https://t.co/jGfVRANjm0

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🌊Making Waves: Ocean Ecology & Craft —Check out this super cool virtual exhibition —">50 mixed media works made by 11 artists from across the U.S. who depict the beauty of our seas and confront various ecological and human-generated threats." https://t.co/cwHFIYmzmE

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🔬Check out the previous Olympus Image of the Year Award winning images here: https://t.co/HPlC1y8EM8.

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