Verse published in Stinkwaves Magazine. The magazines are timeless, filled with poetry, stories and artwork. Find on Amazon. Lovely illustration as credited.

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Painted and created a collage and quinzane for fun.
My ice cream pint is empty!
Sticky prints guide me
Cat licks lips.
(c) R. Howell

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How fun to share the pages BABYBUG's March issue with my friend, Leslie Goodman. Her poem, "Giddy Up!" is delightful. And the cover art features the little girl in my poem!

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Happy birthday to poet Jack Prelutsky, creator of the umbrellaphant, banaconda, clocktopus and radishark – Sept. 8!

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Illustrator Caryn Schafer and I celebrate a for our children's poetry book, A Star Full of Sky! It's been a year! Woo-hoo!

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I'm smiley and "glimmering" that Carina Povarchik will be illustrating my upcoming picture poetry book for Spork!

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My poem, "Pet, Catch, and Follow" is published in the latest Buds children's magazine!

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...Had to 'fish around' for a new children's poetry book title with my agent - success!

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