Day 9 - Satyr Druid, circle of spores- i really need to build more circle of spores druids, they make such good villain-ish characters.
Pretty sure this lil buddy just really likes mushrooms though

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Here's day 8, a genasi artificer! ft the way i used to draw the thunder cannon :D
i have a roll table for genasi that includes most of the like, para-elemental genasi, so this friend is a positive energy genasi!

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Day 7 - Yuan-Ti Fighter/Monk/Bard
I rolled ANOTHER 20, so 3 way multiclass smh.
Decided to go more modern magic, so a twitch streamer with anger issues and a... kazoo? I regret nothing

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Day 6 - A Kalashtar Paladin! I've been pulling some baller color schemes blind from my markers when doodling the concept part in my sketchbook.

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And day 5- A halfling barbarian!
The markers i blind pulled for the clothes color scheme are... birilliant (Ba dum TISS)

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Back on reasonable time, here's day four- a drow half-elf warlock, specifically seeker's pact of the star chain!
I was going to yeet all these designs at other people but i might have to keep this one...

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day THREE, late bc all the dnd games
Shifter ranger- wildhunt, of course!

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day 2! Less aesthetically class inspired today but i regret nothing. theyre a human paladin/sorcerer/wizard, what was i supposed to do?

My nat 20 and nat 1 rolls are 3 class multiclasses, because i hate myself :p

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day one, ive had my personal roll tables ready for days and im so excited 😂 all the concepts will b in my sketchbook, but im gonna try n digitalise them as well

This one is a Zariel Tiefling, Bard/Bloodhunter!

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Days 1 and 2 of or specifically dungeons and inkwell, but with my own rolling lists of things I enjoy - w-

I'll learn how to watercolour one day rn they're just convenient

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And that's the end of ! was my challenge for this year and i gave up rolling about 20 days in when i decided i wanted a yuan-ti and a blood hunter etc laughs

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Gemma the half orc bard is at her strongest when she’s rocking out! Her style (and name, of course) are inspired by Jem and the Holograms. 😊

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Week three of specifically, You can find me posting them daily on my main tumblr (mollymockerytealeaf)!

Dyniel, Varis, Cartis, Char, Quavi, Brogdal, and Roya!

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Week two of specifically, You can find me posting them daily on my main tumblr (mollymockerytealeaf)!

Miltek, Vinfor, Desmond, Meriel, Eldon, Keeva, and Wynnstan!

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Doing to try to get back into the habit of uploading regularly.

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