Day 31 - Tiefling Warlock
Well, it's over! And with a pastel iridescent lil friend to finish it all off! I was super debating between Arcana Cleric and warlock, but warlock is ~*SPOOKIER*~!
Compilation otw!

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Day 30 - Ghostwise Halfling Artificer!
I think it's visible how much more effort I had to put in today! I really like this design, even if i have to pull a "no theyre wings of flying shut up" :p

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Day 29 - Mark of Shadow Elf Barbarian
So most of their strength comes from their enthusiasm more than their muscles but thats fine! theyre just happy to be here :D

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Day 27 - Yuan-Ti Bloodhunter, Order of the Profane Soul
They came out darker overall in my sketchbook, but the hand was equally as bad. Still, really diggin' this one!

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Day 26 - Ooze Genasi Bard/Artificer
And what better way to represent bardtificer than electric guitar! I don't know how to draw guitars :)
As usual, I'm a big nerd for paraelemental genasi.

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Day 25 - A Kalashtar of a homebrew class!
Sometimes u just wanna draw a skirt u kno

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Day 23 - Tabaxi Warlock
I think this is the first tabaxi ive rolled!
My general Thought for this one is actually fiend patron, specifically a succubus!

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Day 22 - Sea Elf Fighter
My dnd groups have been chattering about a reverse mystery dungeon-style oneshot with pokemon becoming dnd characters... so vaporeon!

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Day 21 - Earth Genasi Druid
Not a lot of personality, but I do like the design... I also choose to ignore that the RAW doesnt allow earth genasi to have moss hair.

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Day 19 - Tiefling Cleric
Her name is moxie :)
I've co-opted her as an NPC who is a cleric of the Seeker, with a tragic backstory revolving around being used as a pawn by a dark power. you know. the usual.

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Day 19 - Human Barbarian!
I don't have a lot of brainpower lately but I'm keeping up at least 😬

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Day 18 - Dwarf Arcane Trickster Rogue!
No brain. Head empty. Small man.

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Day 17 - Shadar-Kai Paladin/Blood Hunter
Definitely stronger paladin vibes than BH, but hey. Also I'm done pretty early today, hell yeah!
Shadar-Kai are one of my fav subraces... so cool...

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Day 16 - Goblin Bard! (College of Spirits)
I struggled with keeping focus for long today, so I know it's running super late... but hey! She's here! and she's a magician!

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Day 15 - Aarakocra Rogue
I hated the sketch design, but this one is super cute! Look at them, theyre adorable!

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Day 14 - (mark of storm) Half-Elf Warlock, genie (Efreeti) patron!
I have decided that she's girlfriends with day 13's aasimar monk. i love them.

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Day 13 - Aasimar Monk
I feel like you can very much tell im dealing with burn out with the simplicity of my designs lately, but I'm going to push through. At least i still really like her!

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Day 12 - Gnome Rogue!
Now I'm still figuring out how to differentiate all the small races past like, giving dwarf a beard, but at least I'm back to designs and characters that i genuinely really like!

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Day 11 - Dragonborn Ranger
Acorn necklace IS for summon bestial spirit yes you are correct!

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Day 10 - Half-Orc sorcerer
Had no brain cells this morning so fell back on my favourite design tropes, like chains and the stripey scene fringe :p

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