Passing billowed clouds
Dance of the morning sunrise
Petrichor ballet

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I don't just draw monsters and drugs. I had a morning like this when I got up really early and couldn't go back to sleep. I can't just always hurt Paul.

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Its Wednesday my dudes. That means ya boi has an 8:10AM class and I’m currently waiting for my train.

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Night jamz in the morning 🥰☕️🎶

Love this song right now!
Music: tacenda by

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Day 513-520
- 100+ day streak broke for awesome family trip.
- Preparing for a monster build Sept 1st 2019 at 1pm ET
- Follow for more info:

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I therefore I am human. I create, therefore I am and then when I come to think of it if create and they are not human... to the

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Day 427 (6am-9am ET)
- Made a BUTTon, with normal, active and disabled states.
- Basic checkbox and started combo box...

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Day 333-335 (6am-9am)
- Suffered with texturing/uv unwrap play in Blender.
- Technical Thursday making improvements.
- Created the base model for a crane that must now be textured.

Follow me for more and posts!

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Got to love 2 year old toddler logic....😑😴

5am.. we’re all wide awake... woken up by a REALLY loud “ha-hargh Dad, where’s my eye-patch”... literally without pausing for breath.. “Peppa-Pig please”.. honestly 🤦🏼‍♂️🤣

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Day 291-295
- Continued working towards becoming
- Mostly finished Twitch oauth connection.
- Played with idea of C++ streams for logging, (vs printf)
- Friday is art day, so played with photoshop to get better at
(I traced from ref)

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Day 272-274 (6am-9am ET)
- Detected Laps / Lap Timing
- Display best laps
- Rewrote the exporter for more data and better usage
- Friday is art day, practicing of

Indie Tavern talk with Fletcher on Sunday:

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Day 189 (6am-9am ET)
- Roughed out the art for the rocket car

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Day 178-185
- Eeek, keep up Tim.
- Auto Build Area fixed
- Planning of next project
- Stream overlay fireworks + 1000 followers (thanks)
- More Rally of Rockets game design/planning
- Loads of and some

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