What student flat would be complete without an uncomfortable garage to hang out in? This one even comes with the bonus scents of dust, fuel and garbage!

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Not a character in my book, but a commission I did for a friend as an elf.

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Whoop, fresh update! We've been getting into Blender/Unity level design which has been a really awesome learning process! This is our protagonist's cosy bedroom (under construction).

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Some character concept art! On the white background we have Garrick, a printmaker with a pompadour and a crabby attitude. On the green background is 'Seaweed', a genderfluid garage-punk who is in, like, 50 bands.

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Another 4 colour character portrait! This is Robbie: your helpful friend who likes Grunge and Unreal Tournament 2004

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ICE CHOIRのセカンド・アルバム『DESIGNS IN RHYTHM』が入荷!US/Shelflifeと日本のFastcutとの共同リリース・アナログ盤です!10年代USインディ+シティ・ポップの究極完成形というべき傑作!

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It's a mix of art and Art w/ "Shelflife" — reception today at 6:00 https://t.co/MSiBLxxrLm

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Yo! Someone get these for me. They're R250 at Shelflife but I'd be forever in your favour 🙆🙆🎉🙏 pls

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