👀👀 super-WIP poster layout (thing?) for w/ core cast

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working on a buncha assets + tidying up proj files with the cursed knowledge they'll end up even messier 🗑️

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Evening screenshots of the streets of "Cruston" - the main town featured in ShelfLife. Soon to come: heaps of road cones, trash, poorly-executed graffiti and a bunch more buildings. 🚍🏨🗑️

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In a great tradition of being slightlyyy late with important dates, it was just recently Bisexual Awareness Week in September and we made a pic to celebrate that with one of our proudly bi ShelfLife characters Batthew! Much love ❤️.

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More werk-in-prog ShelfLife character portraits! Here's Maximilian and Seaweed, representing both sides of the enthusiasm spectrum. 😃🙁

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Intended to post this on International Non-Binary People's Day (14th of July) but didn't quite get there. In any case, belated happy NB Day everyone!! ❤

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Boom! An updated portrait of ShelfLife character Josh! Josh is a salty grumpy sportschild who doubles as one of the protagonist's flatmates. (The gross green background symbolises athleticism).

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Yo! We're going to be at this year with a trailer and some cool totally-not-bootleggy merch for our game. Here's a quick look at one of the print/postcard designs we are working on!

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Working on character/dialogue portraits for the ShelfLife protagonist. This is the default, (slightly concerned) expression, but we'll definitely whip up some variants to show different ~emotions~ during conversation!

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What student flat would be complete without an uncomfortable garage to hang out in? This one even comes with the bonus scents of dust, fuel and garbage!

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Whoop, fresh update! We've been getting into Blender/Unity level design which has been a really awesome learning process! This is our protagonist's cosy bedroom (under construction).

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Some character concept art! On the white background we have Garrick, a printmaker with a pompadour and a crabby attitude. On the green background is 'Seaweed', a genderfluid garage-punk who is in, like, 50 bands.

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Another 4 colour character portrait! This is Robbie: your helpful friend who likes Grunge and Unreal Tournament 2004

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