Saw someone list my favorite fang and had to bite.

My dude is NOT happy about the magma situation 😂😂😂



2 14

Hey, art lovers! I've created some amazing and unique paintings as NFTs. Each one is authentic and exclusive, making them a valuable addition to any art collection. 💪🤩🎨
Take a look at

3 14

ETH Fees are quite low at the moment on .
I take advantage of this to purchase this "Abstrac-Pixels" from

My own drop "Mitosis" is also available. Mint for 0.0015 ETH (Link in bio)

6 12

DeGod ( Rank 9051 ) just sold for 10.52 ETH | 19205,10$

0 1

DeGod ( Rank 3419 ) just sold for 11.48 ETH | 21079,58$

0 5

DeGod ( Rank 3974 ) just sold for 11.1 ETH | $20381,82

0 4

Dog Lovers ONLY! Cats wouldn't understand. Show, Spread, and Give luv! Buy 1 - shows luv. Reselling again and again - Increases luv. Buy for another - Give luv. Repeat - keeps luv alive!

0 0

Happy Friday. Come check us out and earn and . Mint to be entered in raffle to win Active Giveaway for if you mint before Mint 3 and start earning today!!

4 6