Wacky’s “evil” form im gonna call her Bizarro and uhh she’s cool i wanna info dump but im too lazy so for now you just get her design, she is very inspired from Xenophanes and Scorched :)

14 89

I made a Girlfriend EXE! Luv.Rar (aka Lillith) is a Demon within a pirated copy of fnf. She sucks the souls of players into her game and forces them to play until they blueball. Which by then she eats their souls! More details in thread

12 28

Ref sheet update (text update only) DiskDrive has no gender, they’re a demon get over it (they/them)

1 7

Badda bing, newest Help Wanted poster. Most details are in the original thread, so please check it out!

15 41

home-brewed madness
it’s going down ⚡️

24 109

Nihao fans, once again your annoying shipper matchmaker who is me, here to show new ship, this time from one mod, applause (if you please) to also known as x exe girlfriend, together they are FAKERS!

6 21

kouくん描けた!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!most kawaii

5 45