The case of the day is this one I shared - acute abdominal pain in young man with known chronic disorder - 4 signs to spot here, leading to one diagnosis.

23 136

Iliotibial band is a fibrous thickening which is formed proximally by joining the tensor fascia lata and gluteus maximus tendons.
Its proximal end strain injury is uncommon.

6 32

Clinically not relevant, but interesting info from Dr Charles Lott's webinar on dental imaging: if a tooth is moved too quickly by orthodontic treatment, it can result in 'root amputation' (resorption around the roots, yellow arrows in image)

2 7

The current featured video is a 7 case Upper Limb X-ray tutorial I recorded during the recent lockdown. Big thanks to my first year registrars for letting the world eavesdrop!


38 129

40yo trauma patient. There’s no injury but there is a syndrome. What is it?

Submit answers as GIF, emoji or haiku ONLY

👤 Case courtesy of via

31 129

The latest free featured video is “Abdominal Itis-es” by .

✅ Look for that dirty fat to guide you to the inflammatory pathology!


31 103

This is well worth 15 minutes of your time, does an amazing job of summarising the different types of joints. New learning for me: I had never heard of gomphosis before.

6 18

at non-irritant, water-soluble oral contrast is useful to demonstrate leaks or fistulae; the timing is dictated by the area of interest, e.g. give 100 ml on the CT table if you need to see the oesophagus or gastric pull-up

9 14

The latest Featured Video is on retroperitoneal and renal tract anatomy by .

Watch now at

Illustrations by

27 132

Q: What has lead to this patient's appendicitis?

24 90

This amazing document was provided by Ana Kolansky and her team and Harold Litt and his team at the University of Pennsylvania. We hope you find it helpful. We thank them for sharing it with us to share with you.

102 190

Q: What type of arthritides do this type osteophytes occur in?

17 58

Skull Pseudolesions (I)
Arachnoid (pacchionian) granulations
Are the most common pseudolesion.
They constitute normal protrusions of arachnoid into venous sinuses and diploe. They often grow and become hypertrophic with age.

49 123

NOT an eye test...

What underlying condition does this young patient have?


More cases with advanced/unusual pathology:

31 116

Great case uploaded to : carotid web. Thin, linear, membrane that extends from the post. ICA just beyond the bifurcation. High risk of stroke. Underappreciated?

Case (Dr Thompson):

Read more:

25 62

Message: whether you've spotted the obstructing stone or not, look carefully for alternative and additional important findings

1 8