It's [Harvesting leeks, from medieval medical treatise Tacuinum Sanitatis]

13 32

Good morning! here to start today's plant and flower themed (Image: Eleanor Vere Boyle, via wikimedia commons)

24 141

Thanks to you all for a brilliant start to today's
This is signing off now, but we'll be back in just 60 mins with the epic !
(Image: 19th century engraving of Homunculus from Goethe's Faust part II. I'd like this job...)

5 32

Okay, that was a GREAT session, This is Crystal signing off. will join at 6:30 GMT for our last session of the day. “Gruss vom Krampus,” which translates to, “Greetings from Krampus!” (Image: Unknown)

7 70

Thanks for a brilliant start to
This is signing out, but we'll be back for more and folklore in just an hour with the fabulous !

(Image: Snow Queen by Rudolf Koivu)

6 32

Good morning, How would you like to wake up to this wild woman, The Old Hag? Newfoundland's local succubus, one version of Herself was featured on a Canadian postage stamp in 2016!

6 50

Hello, Crystal of returning for another fabulous session. Thanks to for hosting before our break. Our theme is the folklore of herbs, plants, and flowers. What lore and myths are blooming in your mind? Send a tweet! (Image: Cdd20)

2 29

Happy (Edward Lear's "Owl and the Pussycat" illustrated by L. Leslie Brooke)

14 54

Riddles, poems and oracles: a post from the archives for (Art by Alan Lee)

8 23

Hello, This is Crystal of joining as your host for the next hour. A huge thanks to for hosting before our break. Today’s theme is the folklore of heroines and heroes. Sharing is caring: (Image: Rackham)

8 53

Thanks for your great shares this This is signing off, but we'll be back with the brilliant in an hour. Until then, do support the community by retweeting more epic folklore posts from this live feed:

3 55

Thanks for sharing your lore today, Crystal of is signing off, but don’t run away. Your last host of the day will be the wonderful – leaping on at 6:30 BST. Sending you light and good wishes! (Image: (Luigi.masi))

7 54

Good day, This is Crystal of back for another 90 minutes of folklore fun. A hat tip to for hosting before our break. What lore do you have about light, life, and renewal? We'd love to hear it! Use the hashtag and send a tweet! (Rackham)

4 46

Happy (Mount Olympus, Giulio Romano)

4 11

It’s been fun and games today, I’m glad to have spent this time with you. This is Crystal of getting ready to sign off But please don’t go too far. The one and only will be with you at 6:30 GMT. Be well! (Image: Ethel Spowers)

4 41

I finally have something I can tweet about on Earlier this year I had great fun drawing a couple of strips for and , based on Gaelic folk stories, and you can read them online here:

2 11

Hello, A huge thanks to who hosted before the break. This is Crystal of and I’ll be with you for the next 90 minutes to celebrate the folklore of women. Tweet some girl power now! (Image: PubDom)

4 40

It’s time for me to say goodbye, This is Crystal of signing off. I’ve had fun sharing your lore today! Around here the cheese never stands alone. So, get your next round of tweets ready because hops on at 6:30 GMT. (Image: PubDom)

3 30