Various characters are featured in the universe.
Fallen, Suns, humans, specters and monsters weave their adventure.
Many of them with a leading role in the story and others with a simple desire for survival.
Let us show here a brief tour of the basics

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We discovered the flesh and joyfully multiplied.
I gaced at the moon surrounded by darkness and peered into its den.
I looked inside myseef and found hundreds of them.
I felt human.

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es una historia que nació en 1993 en la que el mundo se ha transformado de sueño... en pesadilla

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Escalera Hacia el Cielo es la nueva aventura que has conseguido para si ya te has hecho con tu pack completo de

🎲 ¿Nos ayudas a conseguirlas todas?

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Bienvenido a Tokio.
Recuerda respetar el silencio.

Ya disponible el nuevo suplemento para


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