Watercolor and pencil works by German artist Jeanne Mammen, 1920s-30s, known for her energetic depictions of Weimar night life and especially the vibrant lesbian scene in Berlin

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Ruth Margarete Röllig (1878-1969) wrote a guide to the Berlin lesbian scene in 1928 called “Berlins lesbische Frauen”. She wrote, “Here each one can find their own happiness, for they make a point of satisfying every taste.”

(Painting by German artist Jeanne Mammen, also 1928)

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Jeanne Mammen, Ostende, am Strand [The Beach at Ostend], c.1926.

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Jeanne Mammen, Aschermittwoch, (ca. 1926), German artist who captured the nightclubs, cafés, bohemians, dancers and intellectuals of the Weimar period

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Langweilige Puppen (Boring Dolls) 1929, by Jeanne Mammen, German painter who portrayed the bohemians of the Weimar period cabaret scene

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Jeanne Mammen, Karneval, c.1931, German artist who captured the nightclubs, cafés, bohemians, lesbians of the Wiemar period

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Jeanne (1890-1970) - THe Redhead - 1930.

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