Let's Play Retro | Dragon Quest (Dragon Warrior) NES | First Time | Chat Commands !discord !store


3 4

-H filter: GS_Sharpness_035.txt
-V filter: SLA_Dk_000_Br_070.txt
-S filter: SLA_000_Br_000.txt
-Gamma correction - On: gamma_110.txt
-Shadows Mask -1x: Aperture Grille (realistic)

Thanks to HeadInvestigator1899 on reddit

39 254

Thank you for making one of the most influential arcades of the early 1980's.

Shout out to for helping my secure the non-bootleg version for a faithful implementation.



11 53

I released Jaleco Chameleon (beta version) for today.

23 148

Another hard to catch bug fixed. This time in System 16. Dynamite Dux changing colours in stage 2 and slowness in Golden Axe fixed. The files will be available tomorrow.

30 197

Deathsmiles wallpaper for 4:3 CRT screens.
Download the wallpaper here: https://t.co/AsDQVEybw9

Also available on 's CRT wallpaper script for

6 12

Run update_all by to grab Street Fighter Zero 3 Mix by (Zero800).

Play it today on thanks to 's CPS2 core.

Thanks to for helping/teaching me how to patch registers for object priorities.


31 131

Showing off four different Game Boy Shadow Masks you can choose from on

The three Monochrome masks [GB, Pocket, Light] are found in the Simple directory. The GB Color mask is located inside Complex/LCD Styles.

24 181

The new much improved X68000 core is already available in all updaters

38 225

Here's a few decent Street Fighter II' Champion Edition hacks by mameplus based on Koryu and Rainbow editions!

Play them today on 's CPS-1 core. Just run 's update_all to fetch mra's from Arcade Offset.

23 101

A haunted forest, fairies, an innocent witch...
Halloween starts today with Cotton working in the System16 beta for https://t.co/Fst1McRjry

51 297

ladies and gentlemen, the weekend

AKA time

7 39

Super Gem Fighter is coming to tomorrow

47 359

Street Fighter Alpha 3
D&D Shadow over Mystara
Janpai Puzzle Choko
Added to the core. Don't miss Grego2d's special SFA3 work (included).

75 369

Coming tomorrow in full FPGA glory: Shadow over Mystara

58 383

Play it today on Saturn, or tomorrow on arcade centre

27 275

For all the Dungeons & Dragons fans, CAPCOM made some great titles, some unofficial (CPS1) and some official (CPS2). We will have Tower of Doom supported on this

67 450