Part 11! Literally everyone guessed who was gonna show up so it’s not much of a surprise 😂

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Clearly, my art style has its favorite character to draw.

6 19

Neito haciendo drama / Neito acosando a Shoto
No sé xd

0 2

too much arguing over if Monoma is black but he's lightskin

6 36

Denki and Monoma as twins, I imagine being that kind of trouble kids where they don't have a lot of friends, so they stick around constantly. But if you know them, they are actually very kind and funny ;;

27 164

ชั้นทำเบิร์ดเดย์ย้อนหลังได้ป่ะ 5555โมโนมะเกิดวันเดียวกันกับโคบี้เลย
กรี๊ดดดด😭💖💖💖 แฟนชั้นแต่ละคนเกิดเดือนพฤษภาคมทั้งนั้นเลย ดวงถูกโฉลกกับคนเดือนนี้ป่ะเนี่ย😂
เจ้าพวกนีท : 24/5
โคบี้ : 13/5
โมโนมะ : 13/5

0 12

My 2 favs and top ship~ I love love love their personality types and together ;; Shinso and Monoma, I hope we get lots more of them down the road.

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I made this a while back, but I thought it was bad so I decided to not post it. However, since I don't feel good right now, here

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