: yea i do kin a super pretty smug ass bitch. what’s your point? 🤨🤎
: day 30 - character you kin

11 48

🌺#blacktober 🌺
Edit for da Rodeku movie

37 110

Big edit! Very happy with it but I did forget to make Kanata's palm lighter...

47 145

🌟 🌟
I HAVE to watch this the animation and official artwork are so beautiful

67 176

: the definition of a raging bisexual 😌🤎
: day 22 - character you headcannon as your sexuality & gender

15 85

[ + ] “ is it true when they say all you need is just love ”

38 120

day 19 "YOUR PURFECT FELINE FANTASY"😺 or something like that

24 89

too much arguing over if Monoma is black but he's lightskin

6 36

This movie was so hard to focus and and was… eh, but she was hot and that’s all that matters

24 76

Day 9: character I hated but now love


64 180

Day 9
I've run out of things to add as captions already

9 21