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@BlackAndSuper Three options I'd go with:
1) Psychological Horror Batman series
2) Dark Comedy with Plastic Man
3) Surreal sci-fi action about OMAC
@CaptMarvelology I miss OMAC. It was a neat take on the concept that incorporated a lot of other Kirby concepts into something I still want to see in fiction. That, and I love the idea of a benevolent AI (Brother Eye done dirty by the rest of DC ☹️)
French edition cover of the Nikopol Trilogy by Enki Bilal
A beautiful and strange comic about legacies and futures. If you like Jack Kirby's DC work(New Gods, OMAC) and you like the film "The Fifth Element" you just may enjoy this.
Sin duda, un conflicto entre potencias mundiales donde el #TheSuicideSquad intentase ir a ABATIR y CONTROLAR al mismísimo OMAC.
A su vez, no me desagradaría la idea de que el enemigo fuese un #Superman descontrolado. Muy interesante el como frenar dicha amenaza. https://t.co/APb2Nr3kRF
Hoy cumple 71 años el que fue la mayor estrella del comic americano y el que siempre será mi dibujante favorito, John Byrne.
Puño de Hierro, Starlord, los X-Men, los Vengadores, Alpha Flight, los 4F, Hulka, Superman, OMAC, Next Men, Namor y muchos mas fueron tocados por su pluma
Because New 52 is trending, I have to share the four books that I absolutely loved and should have continued for much, much longer.
Resurrection Man
Captain Atom
Favorite comic book characters created the year you were born. Mine: Wolverine, OMAC, and the Punisher https://t.co/qGty1Ol8wl
I have just recently discovered Jack Kirby's OMAC
Related: I have just recently discovered my new favorite comic.
Three characters who havnt been members of the Justice League whom I would like to join. Kevin Kho OMAC, Khalid Nassour Dr. Fate, and Rebis
For the Kirbyheads out there, looks like DC's printing OMAC again for June
@PitchAFett @saintwalker98 @SonOSharknado93 @ProfofEvil OMAC was pretty cool just wish it wasn't so blah in the writing department, it just felt kind generic HULK pitch. Earth 2 had the better designs, story and rogues.
@AnthonyPerconti @MIKECOLLINS99 @Lord_Azoth @CRRutledge2 @ICConCC @buse_chris @TheRealAlMega @bloodofkirby @BiLLYd_licious @thinbloodeddino @DarrellEpp @JackKirbyMuseum @ComicCrusaders @KirbyKrackleArt @kirbyesque @steverudeart Steve's biggest comic book influences were probably Jack Kirby and Russ Manning. I'd love to see a Magnus/Omac crossover by Steve, even just a pinup of them together.
Obviously it’s cool Yang will presumably do another New Super-man story but what I really like is Kevin Kho OMAC getting a little recognition. Really dig this version of the character
David’s Capt Marvel
Dystart and Ponticelli’s Unknown Soldier
Milligan and Bachalo’s Shade
Kirby’s OMAC https://t.co/IChtUqP7wh
@inqtanq @Dirk_1968 @Lord_Azoth @DallanB @ScottMWest @realmarkrez @RealTarx9 @CanadaDaredevil @loranskinkisart @GoldenAgeNerd @matthwbox KIRBY OMAC is concerned with the way powerful people desecrate, then commodify, human body parts, using bodies as raw material for the megalomaniac's grand dreams, and this alarm is also sounded in some giger pieces like landscape xviii...
Galactic Android Ranger Vic-Tor-3 pursues wanted sorcerer Omiak into a pocket dimension.
#JackTober Day 20 “CAPTAIN VICTORY” and Day 22 “OMAC” #netherregionz #jackkirby
#dnd #dnd5e #dndhomebrew #captainvictory #omac #inktober #motu #mastersoftheuniverse