MAJELEON can produce a dizzying mist that makes other monsters friendly fire. If the player becomes dizzy, your aim is temporarily flipped.

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UMBRELLYFISH have an affinity for controlling the weather. They can even summon storm clouds that split into shocking sparks!

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UMBRELLYFISH can float, meaning it's permanently immune to all terrain hazards! This is a powerful ability - even though it also reduces your maximum movement speed.

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This UMBRELLYFISH has the amazing ability to fold itself up and SHRINK. This reduces its hitbox - making it easier to slip between bullets.

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Triantula's COBWEB defense skill ensnares monsters and projectiles. Even super-fast monsters like this boosted Velostrich will eventually become tangled up! Note that it catches your own bullets too - so you can't just camp!

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This month I'm adding 8 new mounts to my They each have some unique skills which I'll be demonstrating over the next week. Personally, my favourite is Skiial. What about you?

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This SMOKURA tree can temporarily conceal you, letting you slip around the back of aggressive monsters. You'll reappear the next time you shoot.
Note that monsters can use it too!

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YAWNING GLORIES deal the new Drowsy ailment which makes you gradually slow down and fall asleep. You'll wake up after a delay, or when you're next hit. Try to seize your chance to find some cover!

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These SNOULDERS work as makeshift cover - but they roll when shot so you won't want to depend on them too much!

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SENTRIES can shoot 4-ways and they detect when you run past. Only explorers will trigger the detector - but the shots can hit monsters too!

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These SPARKOILS can pass a current through the air. Those sparks will travel in a circuit around the edges of the room.

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There's a lot of different projectile types in my - but these ones are my favourites for sure. BEES, FLIES and BEETLES. They can all deal the Itchy ailment if they bite you.

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This SHRINKSTOOL can grant the new Shrunk buff, which decreases your size (and therefore your hitbox). Now those dinosaurs are going to look EVEN BIGGER! 😲

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This THUNDAROD can call in a lightning strike from the heavens! Make sure you aren't standing directly above it.

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The RUST zone is the 3rd new habitat for my this month. It's filled with mysterious metal contraptions. Patchlantis is abandoned these days, so it's not clear who built them. They're still dangerous, so watch out!

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The ❄️GLACIER❄️ zone is the second new area I'm adding to my this month. This area has slippery ice, but sticky Gooberry sap can help you stay still. I threw in some bright orange and purples to stop this area looking too grey.

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This TALL GRASS in the new Zen Garden zone will make you rely on your game knowledge to survive. Fortunately, the outlines of monsters are still visible.

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The ZEN GARDEN zone is the first new habitat I'm adding to my this November. This zone has tall grass and monsters that can turn invisible, making it an easy place to get ambushed!

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I've drawn up a centerpiece art asset for each of the 4 new zones added this month to my game - Beehive / Volcano / Swamp / Crystals.

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