Here's a behind the scenes look at the fake lighting effect from my
It's made using a soft round sprite with an additive shader. I also placed it on a higher layer in my Unity scene so it renders last.

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This month I've been adding DUNGEONS to my The first step was to create enterable scenery, like this here rock.

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This month I'm adding 8 new mounts to my They each have some unique skills which I'll be demonstrating over the next week. Personally, my favourite is Skiial. What about you?

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This week I started work on 8 new monsters for my game What a right band of miscreants!
As always, you can mount all these monsters and use their skills. I'll be showing what they all do in future tweets.

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This week I drew up a whole bunch of new capturable loot assets for my game Some of these will erupt, explode or even buff you! These effects & abilities will be shown off next week's tweets.

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