How can such a simple prompt generate such detail and atmosphere? No idea. I just enjoy it does!

1 12

Autumn might be long gone but the colours wisper cosyness. Prompt in Alt.

0 6

All have the same prompt. just changed the aspect rations First is set to 5:2. Second is 1:1. and the last is 3:4.

0 4

Creating Your Own Superheroes

Electra - a superhero who can generate and control electricity

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The first image is the original. The subsequent ones are the reimaginings done by midjourney.

Which is your favorite?

0 2

Creating Your Own Superheroes

Mastermind - a character with a great ability to control and manipulate the minds of others

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"God is the number we cannot count to."
- Posthuman lyrics by Marylin Manson

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