
Arthur Rackham's illustrations for Wagner's opera The Rhinegold & the Valkyrie (1910)

* "Seize the despoiler / Rescue the gold! / Help us! Help us! / Woe! Woe!"
* "Mock away! Mock! / The Niblung
makes for you toy!"

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Arthur Rackham's illustrations for Wagner's opera The Rhinegold & the Valkyrie (1910)

* The Frolic of the Rhine-Maidens
* The Rhine-Maidens teasing Alberich

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Arthur Rackham's Iris, an illustration for Milton's Comus. We have had amazing rainbows and cloudy skies this week, so it seemed appropriate. Rackham was an incredible draughtsman.

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Arthur Rackham's Book of Pictures 1913より

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Arthur Rackham's Gothic Alice in Wonderland illustrations. At the time, in 1907, many felt that Sir John Tenniel’s original illustrations for Alice (1865) had become so iconic that any other interpretation was blasphemy. However, Rackham made Alice both more sweet & more scary.

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“Many's the man/ who thought himself wise/ but what he needed/ he did not know...”
Richard Wagner, The Ring of the Nibelung
... last week's major achievement: all 60 of Rackham's "Ring" cycle illustrations pinned to my "Gilded Age" board on

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Arthur Rackham's illustrations for A Christmas Carol (1915)

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For Arthur Rackham's illustrations for "The Tempest," which he illustrated in 1926.

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is by Arthur Rackham for Henrik Ibsen's "Peer Gynt" (1936). Here's bad bboy Peer trying to get Solveig to dance with him. Rackham's superb drawing shows all Peer's bluster and all Solveig's reluctance in body language and shadow. Masterly!

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*rackham's voice* MOMMY?!?

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Siegfried leaving Brünnhilde

Arthur Rackham's 1911 illustration to Richard Wagner's The Ring

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Lancelot slaying a dragon in Arthur Rackham's illustration for Tales of King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, abridged from Le Morte d'Arthur by Alfred W. Pollard (1917)

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Hergé and the Shark-Proof Submarine from " Red Rackham's Treasure"

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FAIRIES & BATS. Arthur 'A Midsummer Night's Dream' (1908) shows fairies warring with in a bid to steal their 'their leathern wings' . Elsewhere in John Ansteer Fitgzerald (1819 – 1906) bad fairies spear bats - Hey fairies leave those bats alone!!

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Today is Arthur Rackham's Birthday! He's a legendary illustrator. You can see a bunch more of his work here:

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SOLD! Arthur Rackham's haunting image of Danaë and the Infant Perseus sells for $22,100 at .

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Thinking in my snug burrow of adventures in the year ahead > Arthur Rackham's illustrations for The Wind in the Willows

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Feels like Jack Frost may have paid a visit today. Here he is in English illustrator Arthur Rackham's 'Book of Pictures', 1913❄️

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Today's dose of beauty: Arthur Rackham's illustrations for Christina Rossetti's "Goblin Market," 1933.

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