Who knew murder and acid were so hot? Congratulations to and on their nominations!

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Hoy dieron las 4 series estrenando episodios, y los subs en Aqua Teen estuvieron bien salvo un par de dialogos que no subtitularon.

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the greatest sketch ever

"Are you there God, it's me…giraffe" and "Depression Sobbing" get me every time

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Did I mention I found this gingerbread girl from that one recent episode cute? Added extra dough too~

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They're so cute and fun to draw. Fritz's hair is like a big fluff and chickens are always cute 🤖🐓♥️

5 22

🤓I love the nerd from always makes me laugh 😂

7 27

As a kid I wasn't allowed to watch but just the intro of the was enough to scare me off from watching it. But now that I'm older i love all the dark humor

8 30

More I the 's son this time. I don't think he has a name but I wish there was more of him in the show.

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Been watching marathon on Roku for like a week so here are some

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I was in a fudge you mood and I wanted to try a different coloring style. So Bitch Pudding came to mind. (c)

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