In that one moment, Gin understood. "#You have no power over me," she said to Taeben who was beet red with fury. "You put that idea there along with a fear of Sath. It was all you, and it was NEVER real."

He lunged, but she was already running away.

1 21

The to the deep cave has a faint metallic scent, like iron, or blood..
My flashlight reveals a massive object in the cavern.
3.0 stirs, shedding rust flakes
"You returned, Master?"
I but don't correct him

6 34

Em looked around and the faces assembled. While she loved her parents fiercely, this group, this of AI and flesh and blood...this was her family. She was lucky.

"Well, shall we? That dragon isn't going to slay itself..."

3 18

At the luncheon with the Kalyana family & of friends, little Katina shows off a gemstone to Rupa, “Everyone takes their soul-stone and leave at the top of Mount Azziral so that one day it turns into a star in the sky & be with their forever”

4 25

The towered over wings spread wide enough to encompass the sky, protecting, gaurding, yet cutting us off from the other realms
I yearned to this pristine city
Its perfection a cage
To explore the beyond

4 27

"Her skin lacks that polished finish, but she'll do what you need her to do."
The buyer looks the lifelike machine over and tugs at his mustache. His eyes light up darkly. "Kiss my boots."
The machine fluidly licks its lips and swallows him.

2 11

We find her floating through space on the end of a frayed rope. Can’t hear anything she’s saying, but we think she’s telling us she was towed here by comet. The contraption has no obvious mechanism. Tells us it’s usually powered by her “self” but it’s too sad currently

3 15

We hiked along the gentle hills
Walked toward the sea past daffodils
Unfolded before us
Visions glorious
The tales of pirates and wreckage with treasure spills.


Art - Zazzle

9 29

As in days of Yore, the wolves would howl on Christmas morning. We could hear them thru the drafts in the walls of the old house. Their legacy of guardianship of our woods lived on. Their song on the icy wind…our tribal gift.

Image: Pinterest

5 28

I cut myself a sharp slice of reality
Stare at the on my phone
A the one I've been waiting for
After hopeless months in this of despair
I pop some to take away the pain
Tomorrow I'm getting a new heart

6 44

in my heart
are her photographs
painted with my feelings
exhilarating & healing;
I unveil these sometimes
recalling times
when life was a dream
loving her, the only theme;
scripted with of longings
they’re my only belongings.

24 101

Dearest ancestors
Lend me your broom
Ash shaft
Rose perfumed

Initials whittled into the handle
Glow when I fear
Your reassurance
You back me here

You were poor
but you were great
You lift me up
to levitate

I was closer
to women in my fam
They crafted
Who I am

1 11

As she yawned, alabaster stalactites & stalagmites gleamed in their red rimmed cavern.

"Sorry," she mumbled, covering her mouth at my wide-eyed gaze. "It's been a long night. I only bite if asked. I'm going to bed, you can sleep on the couch...unless you wanna share."

2 8

The hippocampus was a bizarre animal to behold: an oceanic stallion. Its aquamarine skin dappled in shimmering white spots. It proudly carried the majestic head of a horse, but where a flowing mane of hair would have been, a beautiful dorsal fin sat striking and sharp.

9 37

Sunlight takes us by surprise. Our bodies begin to melt. They have created an artificial night to lure us, knowing we, zombies, cannot run.

We enter into their homes. By the virtue of their deception, we will not have to hunt for days. Our preys are with us.

7 27

Was not my dark magic destroyed your fairy tale world. The witch’s cottage didn't crumble under my hand. You were blind to the beauty in darkness. You felt only spectral fear. It all became a wasteland when you stopped listening to the stories

5 23

I throw fireballs at them. They surround me. I cannot summon fire fast enough to kill them all.

My magic is for offense. I need defense. Threads of fire spring from my fingertips, forming rings around me. A shield of fire. I raise my hands. They back away.

9 42

"You love me and cut my wings."

"I want you to stay with me."

"If you loved me, you'd know fairies need to fly."

"Don't you love me?"

"Not anymore."

"Stay in this xyloid cage until you change your mind."

"I prefer a real cage to your sham of a freedom."

6 37

Such innocence reminded me of a love I felt was lost when all could be forgiven in fuzzy socks with hot chocolates in hand. What if I told you sorrow is only an arch to walk through and Daffodils are true kiss' reflection to anticipate for the right time? 6

9 52