Merry Christmas, Saturnalia, Solstice, Yule, family meeting, etc.
Behave and be safe.
Drink like a possessed but don´t drive.
Share this Santa for good luck!

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PAL members, have holiday-themed content? Submit it to SCBWI Connects! If you have activities for students in grades PreK-12, share it here: ✨We'd love to receive more content for Diwali, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah, Omisoka, Yule, Saturnalia, & the Lunar New Year

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Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Happy Hannukah, Merry Kwanzaa, Wonderful Yule, Lovely Winter Solstice, Feastful Saturnalia, Fun Pancha Ganapati, Wishful Koliada, Festive Festivus, Quiet Hogswatch Night, and a Happy Candlenights to all. (And love to any we missed!!)

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17 Dec 497 BC celebrated the first joyous of and the origin of many customs. In whatever way you celebrate the may the love and light of fill your heart!

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17 Dec 497 BC celebrated the first joyous of and the origin of many customs. In whatever way you celebrate the may the love and light of fill your heart!

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Hypothetical Walking With Dinosaurs II art: Episode 1, Santa Maria Formation, Brazil, 233 mya.
From top left: Staurikosaurus, Saturnalia, Hyperodapedon, Rauisuchus, Trucidocynodon, Polesinesuchus and Proterochampsa.

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From our family to yours, Whether Yule, Solstice, Hanukkah (belated), Kwanzaa, Festivus, Saturnalia, or something else entirely…we hope you have the best one possible with people who care about you. Pony love to you all! 💖🦄

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During Saturnalia, social restrictions were relaxed. It was a time when role reversals and behavioral license were possible. Slaves could disrespect their masters without the threat of a punishment.

"Bacchanale" (1897)
Art by German artist Lovis Corinth.

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Day 17
The familiar tradition of decking the halls with boughs of holly for winter festivals pre-dates Christmas. Today is the Roman festival of Saturnalia, when Romans would decorate their houses with holly & exchange gifts.

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“Advice for the wise:
You"d better bite your tongue
Rather than cast a spell wrong.”
- Ana Claudia Antunes, The Witches Of Avignon

-Witches in Saturnalia, Paul Ranson-

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God Jul, Merry Christmas, Joyous Saturnalia, and a Happy Winter Solstice Celebration to all!

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