"My journey has lead me to Unidietas. At last, the end seems near but my timing is unfortunate. The kingdom's citadel has been evacuated for reasons unknown. It will take longer to find the book I'm searching for."
-Journal Entry

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 18: Science
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

A little bit of this and a dash of that should help win the fight

4 5

Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 17: Drill
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

I forgot there was a second digging dragon, but oh well!

3 11

Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 16: Mechanic
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

A case of accidental cuteness has come to fix your stuff!

3 7

"Although illegal in all five kingdoms, the high council has seen fit to combine necromancy with our biological research on dragons. I admit, the resulting species intrigues me."
- Prof. Alphonse D. Cogni's personal notes

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Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 15: Wire
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Being a dragon can have its benefits, like a natural antenna that can be coiled away when needed be

4 9

Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 14: Gunner
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Sometimes you gotta shoot first and ask questions later

3 7

Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 13: Tank
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Another nice and easy day, enjoying a big beefy lad

3 6

Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 12: Air
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Honestly, could be better. But tomorrow should be more fun

2 7

Smaugust: Scales of War
Day 11: Torch
( Prompt List by magik_jack_art )

Another tricky one, but it was still done. Gotta keep going!

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"Unlike most cave dwellers they have relatively decent eye sight due to their brilliant bio-luminescence. The people of Aquixuta have a festival where they make colorful paper lanterns in their image."
- The Book of Dragonology Vol. 1

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