Cast adrift on a carpet of star dust
The far side of midnight beckons
Intangible dreams dance in my eyes
As I gaze with awe at the beautiful skies


3 8

Warming up for the final performance, will be shatter on floor till you'll embrace me in your arms, the reunion of soul...

Rd 1

2 12

Seeking attention from a love bug, lonely wild flower of the west, blooming alone up on the hills of loneliness...
Rd 7

3 10

to promises locked
between two,
hearts held tight
and delicate
as unsure boons,
with last year's aches,
light with tomorrows,
letting looks
be the words
taking away
all sorrows;

2 23

almost obsolete,
desipient for
desipient things
in making
a string
of moments
only begun
but feels an eternity
in all the lovely ways:

2 13

Galaxy lips
and keys
that are her ears,
speaking sunshine
to flowers
from nowhere near,
a girl yet to be
to open hearts,
to water seeds
before hate imparts,
sprinkling nurture
for whole goodness'

2 14

I was hellbent
on becoming
the me that was,
as the wind
that never visits twice,
to look
into my own eyes
to see a warmth
of summer's dawn
still dripping
in coffee irises,
the inner me
as the me that was.

2 12

Doing the right thing
At the right time
Diving in or holding back
To be able to read the air
Having knowledge
And gumbtion to take action
I wish I can..

9 29

Stubborn heart
wants only you
by my side
You makes me
complete as
you're my
Love the way
you takes care
of the lunatic
living inside

Rd 4

2 11

Flipping switches
am I nervous
or just confused
how to celebrate
his arrival
meeting after
so long
preparing mind
for delightful
private encounter

Rd 3

5 12

Ringing silence after lightning
And rumbling thunder
Tension released
The charged air smells electric
And petrichor
No wonder we love dramatic weather
Afterall we are made from Earth..

19 57

The origin of explosion
Was it a big bang
Even the known
Is unknown
What if there are many universes
Reality usually turns out
More interesting than fiction..

15 46

Holding on to a dream
thinking of keeping
alive a burning
But stepping on the
reality kind of holding
me back to go totally

Rd 10

5 13

Into the distance
saw a glow
of her face
pure innocent beauty
can be seen
and felt
mind blowing gypsy
dancing in her own
rhythmic glory

Rd 5

4 13

Those endless days
without a care
always sunny
warm sand sticking
to grimy tanned legs
gentle summer wind
slowly letting loose
strands of my
sun bleached hair
always happy smile
tasting of icecream
and salty sea air

36 RD 3
Monika Luniak art

23 86

- round 10 (final)

Your prompt this round is - one last time before we part

Write a Scene or Dialogue

Thank you for a wonderful of the Challenge! See you in for our 3 year milestone! ~SW

5 16

In the moment of truth
letting me down
over & over
timeless sighs
what I thought
what it really is
why playing with
my sensitive heart

Rd 9

5 22

- round 9

Your prompt this round is - in the moment / timeless sighs

Write a Scene or Dialogue

6 11

- round 8

Your prompt this round is - drifts of apple blossoms

Write a Scene or Dialogue

5 11

- round 7

Your prompt this round is - the sting of perception

Write a Scene or Dialogue

5 12