Lots of Trump/Dr. Strangelove cartoons all through the campaign. This new one by my buddy, Hajo. More on https://t.co/TmquoB6pUK

7 9

. Trump is the only one we can trust to unconditionally destroy Earth.

75 231

The GOP is High on Trump!

17 33

French cartoonist Zeon arrested for anti-Zionist work

51 21

Jon Stewart Mocks Bush for Painting While Jimmy Carter’s Saving Lives: http://t.co/4j4rFwhqN3

98 56

“Color blindness” often serves as an excuse to ignore real racial inequalities

153 115

amazing toon by puppet terror state

6 0

Reading: At Least 22 Kill Themselves Every Day and No One Gives a Sh*t http://t.co/bRtfBdpCh2

276 108

Amendment Authorizing War Over On Track For House Vote http://t.co/XThJwu8kXC

45 25

Limbaugh Claims We Already Have Museums For -- “They Are Called Malls” http://t.co/JcyztyfGV3

25 10

Hey! Killary!! This is what "Leaves No Man Behind" Look Like!

64 31

The 2nd amendment. America's original homeland security.

2 1

http://t.co/vdpnlon0 Jon, you'll have to change this painting. He's now burned much MORE of it up.

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