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The Seven Crystal Bernies 🔮💫🌀
#tintinfans #thesevencrystalballs #tintinfan #tintin #theadventuresoftintin #sausalitoferry #berniesanders #berniememes #FashionIcon #inauguration2021 #memes #bernieorbust #bernie #inauguration #wediditjoe #berniememe #berniememes2021
OH my this one will be popular with the #bernieorbust crowd.
Here is the abuse of Doge in the doge-waist shirt factory. Long hours, no breaks, dirty capitlists.
✨ Bernie-San Tees are live! u v u ~ ✨ #BernieOrBust2020 https://t.co/j0QUeMXwWa
One picture, a thousand words.
#Bernie2020 #BernieForPresident #BernieOrBust #SuperTuesday
Even the Squishy is ready for #BERNIE2020 #feelthebern #bernieorbust #Neltharion #Deathwing #dragon
After rigging the primaries, the least the Democratic Party can do is change their name.
#BernieOrBust ✌❤ #JillNotHill
Hillary's outspending this idiot 15-1, just to be tied. The idiot's right, she's guilty.
#DemsInPhilly #BernieOrBust
Pledged delegates, yes pledged, can vote for Bernie to contest our fraudulent election.
#DemsInPhilly #BernieOrBust
Election fraud for the least liked and least trusted Democrat in history? Bad move Dems.
#DemsInPhilly #BernieOrBust
We know Hillary should be indicted, lied under oath to Congress and stole the election.
Illustrating my frustration with Corporate Democrats. #BernieOrBust #NeverHillary
Bring on the Pitchforks! #bernieorpitchforks #BernieOrBust I'll bring my dragon.
TV ignores all of Hillary's huge legal woes because the DNC + the media colluded to dupe us. Nice try. #BernieOrBust
We are all #StillSanders And we're going to the Convention! #FeelTheBern #BernieorBust #Neltharion
After the audit and Guccifer leaks, the FBI knows that Hillary lied about everything. Indictment time. #BernieOrBust
Now that we know Bern we'll never settle. July25 superdelegates vote to reform the party or we leave. #BernieOrBust
This is getting really scary folks.
I'm not #BernieorBust.
I'm #BernieorVeryVerySad.
(charts from @HuffingtonPost)
Hey #Bernie is singing "this Land is your land"! #BernieSanders #Bernie2016 #BernieOrBust