Thanks for the share 🖤 Here's some of my Adventure's in Middle Earth rpg campaign illustrations i've made of our travels in Tolkien's world.

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The Fall of Numenor - edited by Brian Sibley from Tolkien's writings on the Second Age - is published tomorrow.

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Journey to Middle-earth.
The largest representation of my work at the Huntsville Museum of Art, opening tomorrow, will be from my inspired interpretation of J.R.R. Tolkien's writings on Middle-earth.
Birthed from that moment my brother Mike handed me The Hobbit to read...

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This is an illustration I made for about the character Beorn of J. R. R. Tolkien's Hobbit series.

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and's campaign for THE BARD OF LOST TALES has reached its goal! Congratulations!
There are 10 days left to keep funding this inspired album and many cool perks to acquire. Let these melodies transport you to .

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It is the 85th anniversary of one of my favorite childhood books, J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit. I am here to remind you that the 1977 adaptation is a lovely little gem with a soundtrack that slaps REALLY HARD.

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Happy Birthday to The Hobbit. Novel 1st published this day in 1937. Written by JRR Tolkien, it is set within Tolkien's fictional universe and follows the quest of home-loving Bilbo Baggins to win a share of the treasure guarded by a dragon named Smaug 📖

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Much is made of Tolkien's sparse use of female characters in LOTR, but I believe this was a kindness of sorts. Tolkien was inspired by the Saga of the Volsungs, which has more female characters than LOTR, but he was careful in how he used its feminine archetypes in his own work..

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Doesn't HAVE to be, he's a Maiar, one of five spirits sent to Middle Earth to aid against Sauron.

By Tolkien's account Gandalf (Olórin) doesn't arrive until the Third Age. This could be one of the Blue Wizards who do arrive at this time..

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The Nine

artwork with post production, based on J.R.R.#Tolkien's original text alone.

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The only art from 1937 is Tolkien's own for the Hobbit of which seemingly only two portrayed Elves.

One had a Swanship near the Halls of Manwe (the steers-elf's skin looks blue), and one portraying Beleg finding Gwindor (neither elf looks "fair" as in light coloured).

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We might not ever see a great show or movie about the First Age of Middle-earth, but we'll always John Howe's drool-inducing art. Discussed in my latest video about J. R. R. Tolkien's & 'The Silmarillion':

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Ellysiakan Chronicles was inspired by my fantasy book binge when I was younger. I dove into Tolkien's Lord of the Rings and our world's own year of 536. I had the desire to visit worlds that were not on Earth! My imagination was being overloaded. 🚀

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Mind's buzzing with all the great talks & lectures 's this weekend. Already looking forward to 2023's event, plus a year of enjoying & discussing work & its adaptation & influence in music & other media, inc' some more of my own takes.

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While I really like the visual of "The Rings of Power", in my head tolkien's elves looks more as John Howe paintings (below). Besides that I wish I could be fifteen again to experience all the emotions that such beauty brings.

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Dark and tragic, it strikes a very different tone from Tolkien's other works. There is little catharsis to be found here, but pathos in spades, beautifully evoked

In some ways, it is perhaps a tale more suited to modern pallets than his other, more conventionally heroic writings

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In Tolkien's notes, the Mountains of Tiranny were created by Morgoth in order to conceal his fortress Angband. When the Dark Lord was defeated, Eärendil slew Ancalagon the Black and the great dragon crashed upon these mountains, destroying them.
🖼️Manuel Castañón

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I don't have time to dig through Professor Tolkien's notes. I'm far too busy making a Sanic.

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Alan Lee - British artist. Famous for his delicate, atmospheric illustrations of J.R.R Tolkien's work; worked as a conceptual designer on Peter Jackson's film versions.

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