画質 高画質

Meet my family.... for a second time!

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Did someone say... Big Shot redraw?~

Deltarune (c) Toby Fox
DeltaSPAM / Art (c) Me

3 17

I listened to death by glamour for like 3 hours while drawing this,,, oopsies

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Idle Animation Commission for
Birb is ready for combat with his tonfas!

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Xenoverse Tonfa

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Luffy (Catle) is the mascot character. Seems reliable. and I love that looks like a penguin. we have less information about them due to be the first trailer, but they can transform like Morgana. They uses Tonfas. and their persona is Rob Roy! get it? ROBot!!

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I was going to explain tonfa, but then came up with a better idea. Namely...

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