Looking back at Battle of Macragge, I'm surprise planet Macragge still (somewhat) intact after Hive Fleet Behemoth onslaught

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A Warhound titan in the war griffons scheme. What do you think? I like the mottled armour.

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Oldhammer titan crew! Which one is your fave? I like the helmet on the left hand chap.

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It's the year of the rabbit and in 2023 we will release Suchin, one of our muses, as you can see her little friend fits the profile 😉!

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Wildlife Rangers in Australia have found a Cane Toad weighing in at 2.7kg, estimated to be the biggest ever found.


That is basically a squig right?

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The last of my Warlord titans have been finished for my

Maimaktes - Thirst for Bloodshed joins his brethren to bring destruction to the enemies of the Warmaster.

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Here's another preview of face painting tutorial for pale skin tones!
Full video here: https://t.co/RdjcDgbajn

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With Dark Angels be the next SM focus, might try painting DA scheme soon

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I dislike that he's no longer a populist hero. He used to go after corrupt politicians, warmongers & wife-beaters as often as gangsters. I think that a Superman who sticks up for the "common man" would resonate w/ today's readers.

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The brothers of murdered brothers, sons of betrayed fathers, the Vengeful.

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Saya and Tina; how would you paint them?
Did we mention that there is another RAW painting contest going on 😉?
We hope that you all have a lot of fun painting them, contest or not and we are excited to see what you accomplish!

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Merry Christmas all! Here’s a peek of what to expect in 2023’s The Shattered Crown: The War of Thorns and Roses

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Well, was gonna plan a big fancy annoucement but hinted to it, My next outfit is done! Thanks to the ever amazing I'd like you all the meet "Dungeon Mistress" Mari! Still need the rigging done tho XD

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Turntable of Snezhinka, on of the two yeti companions of the Fae giant Moroz.
Snezhinka is a friendly & playful creature but possesses the strength to easily rip a grown man in half.
Better not make the naughty list 😉!

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For my project I wanted to do something special. So I commissioned the amazingly talented to create an updated piece of artwork based on an old favourite of mine (and inspiration for the project). What do you think ?

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