“... e lei s'andava schermendo, con quella modestia un po' guerresca delle contadine, facendosi scudo alla faccia col gomito, chinandola sul busto, e aggrottando i lunghi e neri sopraccigli, mentre però la bocca s'apriva a sorriso”

Alessandro da “I Promessi sposi”

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My favorite festive dish is ozoni, I really look forward everytime to eat in the first day of new year! It brings good luck!
Ume bachan cooks the best one with lots of mochis 🤤

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Ratchet told Kaiber about lino but later he finds out about her past and Kaiber feels very bad for her.

*Kaiber meets lino and her zoni,companion Cheyenne*

Cheyenne: and lino has never had friend s before.
Kaiber: *gasp* *hugs lino* I-I'LL BE YOUR FRIEND!

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Lovely new limited edition print by Italian artist now available!

Limited to only 100 copies, each print comes hand numbered and is in stock and shipping now.

Pick up a copy courtesy of the : https://t.co/50BZ7VN1l0

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Azoni, oni gal who is also former champ.
Usually now referred as the Wild Mane Zozo

I like to consider she has grown in skill since, has wised up too, and even sees eye to eye with her opponent now turned friendly rival, Hustle

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Three pomegranates. Two shells. One stag beetle. Brought together & painted by Giovanna Garzoni, whose day is today.

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Flowers emerge exuberantly from a dusky vase that reflects the window of Giovanna Garzoni, who painted this and whose day is today.

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(press the link, to see the rest)
Hugging my little
in Settings. More art from Marco Mazzoni, on our site => https://t.co/KNpP3JAVAl

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Sapete da chi ereditò l'estro artistico e l'amore per il bel mondo? Dal padre Antonio e dalla madre di quest'ultimo, Beatrice Federzoni, sua nonna: il padre infatti fu un abile copista ma anche pittore e restauratore, la nonna invece👉https://t.co/DPx5XteIYT

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Art and the park: botanical watercolours by Giovanna Garzoni, 1600-1670......https://t.co/dWUpiLF6lO

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Un invito, Amici,a dare il ns contributo,attraverso la Letteratura,la Poesia,canzoni,films,documenti al fine di conoscere e ricordare ciò che è stata la “tempesta devastante”: la Shoah.
Per non dimenticare.

Al Salotto Letterario dal
~25-27 gennaio~

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This week's with a spooky Halloween themed twist comes from our Dublin studio 2D Designer, Marvi Manzoni, inspired by her day job working on our very own 🦇💜

Check out Vee, 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘨𝘦 𝘠𝘦𝘢𝘳𝘴 👉 https://t.co/nuVto0JeXN

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begins tomorrow! 3 more artists:
Kathleen Lanzoni, Boulder, CO "Nymph Lake Waterlilies," watercolor
Janeice Linden, Littleton, CO "Storm at Red Tail Overlook," oil
Lynn Mehta, Alexandria, VA "Waterside in the Woods," oil

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Three pomegranates. Two shells. One stag beetle. Brought together & painted by Giovanna Garzoni, whose day is today.

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This is one of the works that will be included in the book "Marco Mazzoni, Drawings and Sketches 2012/2017" .
Satellite Press SEPT20.

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Come ci ricorda il Manzoni, il 1821 moriva Bonaparte, ritratto da Jacques-Louis David.

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The Daily Muse: Marco Mazzoni, Visual Artist - - http://t.co/1qLyYoNYIF

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