She finds the ingredients for her creative spells in long walks, sunny skies, and good books.

03.APRIL.2023/VANCITY THEATRE/17:00-19:30

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of a room design I’m working on!

Treecko’s trainer room🌱🌱 got some revisions to work on but hey progress!!

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✧・゚𝑀𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝒾𝓈 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 ✧・゚
Tried my hand at painting a cozy sunset witch-like background!

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【 R E V E N G E R 】 美術設定より 「賭場」惣二が出入りする、長崎郊外の賭場の設定です。       

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I drew my bedroom to practice drawing backgrounds!

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Here's a select few of the BG's I did of the front yard leading up to the house!

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Artwork yang kubuat dalam waktu 4 jam ++, masing-masing diselesaikan dalam waktu 1 jam 💀✨

13 53