Dear gotta admit that I didn't know much about Warren Ellis, but I always loved Planetary and Elijah Snow is one of my favourite American comics "superheroes". What Warren does in his private life is non of my business. End of story.

1 2

Shits up when is trending in Canada

0 1

Conservatives' obsession is distracting from actual problems.

43 174

Are you a or writer or artist of some Yes, you say? Well, do you want to read SNELSON: COMEDY IS DYING by and ? Trust is when we say: you've never seen a story about like this.
The Management

7 20

Bob Baffert comes clean that indeed he treated the Kentucky Derby winner with an ointment that contained betamethasone.

0 0

Some people can’t tell the difference between Cancel Culture and Consequences.

Follow for more cartoons!

4 14

Un Minet timide pour le Matou charmant ?..
Oui, mais non à la « Cancel Culture »! 😾

37 351

I just posted the Top Ten editorial cartoons that were most reprinted in newspapers, see:

cartoons did well, with Dick Wright getting the most reprints overall. This cartoon by Gary McCoy was

1 6

Speedy Gonzales. Fastest mouse in all of Mexico and the world. He's a hero in my opinion. I think he needs his own cartoon series, hint, hint

1 2

The estate's decision to stop printing a few of its own titles was not the best example of but was a diversion from opposing . Note he didn't read "The Lorax"

0 4

New episode! We discuss as well as cancel culture and the controversy surrounding Pepe Le Pew, Mr. Potato Head and more.

2 2

Here's my cartoon on where the GOP mind is at. See more of my favorite GOP + Seuss + Potato cartoons on my blog at:

And come follow me on Clubhouse (Daryl Cagle) and Instagram (.cagle).

6 11