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On #InternationalVolunteerDay we salute the hundreds of millions of people who volunteer to help others. We also invite volunteers to join our global campaign #365DaysAgainstChildLabor to help defend the 300 million poor children that work. We look forward to hearing from you!
S.O.S. @JoseCaricatura for #BerlinWall2021 #356DaysAgainstChildLabor. S.O.S. from millions of children exploited by the coffee industry. @HowardSchultz @Kevin_Johnson @andrea_illy @Nestle #FabienSimon #JDEpeets #DavidNeumann #NKG @lavazzagroup, Your Biz model is CRUEL & ILLEGAL!
There is child labor in @Apple, as reported by @YuanfenYang @FT, @paulmozur @nytimes, @debbywuintaipei @markgurman @business, @kate__duffy @businessinsider, etc., etc. #ThinkDifferent illustration by @rodriguezmonos for #cartoons4change at #BerlinWall #365DaysAgainstChildLabor
@FMdelaC @vonderleyen @VDombrovskis @JuttaUrpilainen @zoyashef @Malena_Bucheli @annaedwardsnews @LotteLeicht1 @gbaczynska @JenniferMerode @flacqua @MKarnitschnig @jchatterleyCNN @CarolineKende @fantochadas @sabisabel @RuthBenderWSJ @MaripinaSCMx @KieranG77 @BeeGoldsmith @Freya_SW @SarahKellyTV @bbc_diez @juchtmann @Jane_Reuters It takes only US$ 0.10PerCup to eradicate poverty & child labor, educate girls & boys, in rural communities that produce coffee, tea & cocoa.Illustration by Fo Guatemala for #365DaysAgainstChildLabor #Cartoons4Change @ICOCoffeeOrg @IntlCocoaOrg @SpecialtyCoffee @abarden @alanjope
@derspiegel @washingtonpost @seattletimes @C4Dispatches @LouisPosern @SebastianAFP @MEudesAFP @s_chauveauAFP @Jane_Reuters @MichelReuters @DanFlynnReuters @jonsnowC4 @SallyBundockBBC @BBCBenWright Millions of children work for the coffee industry due to a cruel business model that multinationals and developed nations dare to call FAIR & ETHICAL. It would cost only @10CentsPerCup to eradicate poverty & child labor. Illustration created by Fo for #365DaysAgainstChildLabor
Dear @cnbcKaren @ishaantharoor, BizModel ALL @WEF members includes #ChildLabor. Check their coffee, tea & cocoa. Due to #Swissploitation, in 2019 coffee farmers were paid 75% less than price 1983 IntlCoffee Agreement, cocoa growers 75% less than in 70's #sdi20 #UNGA #SDGs
@GraceAForrest @wef Dear Grace, BizModel ALL @WEF corporate members includes #ChildLabor in their supply chain. Just look at their coffee, tea & cocoa. Due to #Swissploitation, in 2019 coffee farmers were paid 75% less than price 1983 IntlCoffee Agreement, cocoa growers 75% less than in 70's #sdi20
When Ursula @vonderleyen was elected President @EU_Commission she committed to ZERO TOLERANCE to #ChildLabor in @Trade_EU, CHILD LABOR HAS INCREASED! #SOTEU @IratxeGarper @saskiabricmont @hildevautmans @zoyashef @POLITICOEurope @Mariearenaps @martina_michels @ignaziocorrao
#Cartoons4Change calls cartoonists from all continents to help protect the rights of defenseless children being exploited. 30 yrs after Convention on the Rights of the Child nearly 300 million children work. Illustration @rodriguezmonos for #365DaysAgainstChildLabor. cc @Nisalahe
#Cartoons4Change calls cartoonists & illustrators from all continents to help protect the rights of defenseless children being exploited. 30 yrs after Convention on the Rights of the Child nearly 300 million children work. Illustration @chavodeltoro for #365DaysAgainstChildLabor
#FastFashion is not only bad for the environment, it exploits tens of millions of poor women & millions of defenseless children. Cartoon #ZARA by @mwcartoons for #Cartoons4Change #365DaysAgainstChildLabor @IratxeGarper @loreilo79 @Clara_Pinar @LolaPodemos @dwcubas @EduLorenGarcia
@ChukaUmunna @steve_sedgwick @SquawkBoxEurope @CNBC @BizRoundtable @bianca_nobilo @AIMGilmour @annaedwardsnews @TWWelsh .@AlanJope @Mittaloak @benandjerrys can't claim they believe #BlackLivesMatter while @unilever exploits African children & farmers to buy cheap "#Fairtrade" cocoa. Illustration @ChavoDelToro for #Cartoons4Change #365DaysAgainstChildLabor cc @JenniferJJacobs
@donlemon @lacqua #BLM
Dear @AlanJope @Mittaloak, @benandjerrys can't claim it believes that #BlackLivesMatter while it exploits African children & farmers to buy cheap "#Fairtrade" cocoa. Ilustration @ChavoDelToro #Cartoons4Change #365DaysAgainstChildLabor cc @JenniferJJacobs @donlemon @lacqua #BLM
Many German NGOs & churches promote exploitative business models, some even profit from child labor & exploitation. #Kinderarbeit, the cruel human cost of "#Fairtrade". Illustration @RonmacCartoons #Cartoons4Change #365DaysAgainstChildLabor @ckornmeier @Jochen @smatthes @imayer
Cartoonists highlight horrors of #ChildLabour - read article @FMdelaC in @procartoonists link: https://t.co/YkiwJAlbq1 Ilustration #ThinkDifferent by @rodriguezmonos for #Cartoons4Change #365DaysAgainstChildLabor cc @SebastianAFP @wolfejosh @EWErickson @lifewinning @toddntucker
Cartoonists join protest #365DaysAgainstChildLabor. They demand governments & multinationals to STOP child labor & end slavery. 30 yrs after Convention on the Rights of the Child nearly 300 million children work. @CartDasCavernas Brazil #Cartoons4Change. @moyavila @ShastaReports
We invite cartoonists to join #365DaysAgainstChildLabor a global protest to demand governments & multinationals to STOP the exploitation of poor children. 30 yrs after Convention on the Rights of the Child nearly 300 million children work.@chavodeltoro Mexico For #Cartoons4Change
30 yrs after the Convencion on Children's Rights was ratified there are still millions of poor children working for the children in developed nations. What a life! by @javikatura for #Cartoons4Change We demand #ZeroChildLabor NOW! @mbachelet @JosefinaVM @ricardobucio @Peter_Orsi
Dear @Stephen_G_Brown, You are our 400th follower. We are just getting started. We will announce very soon our global protest #365DaysAgainstChildLabor. 30 yrs after Convention on Rights of the Child coffee, tea & cocoa at @EU_Commission @Europarl_EN has child labor. INEXCUSABLE!
30 years after the Convention on the Rights of the Child was ratified hundreds of millions of children cannot even play, because they have to work. Illustration "Children that must work and cannot play" by @Brummmmm from Brazil for #Cartoons4Change. #ZeroChildLabor NOW!