Born in 1667: (1667-1743), Electress of the Palatinate as spouse of daughter of

Portrait attributed to (1656-1727), ca. 1700s

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Born in 1549: (1549-1609), Grand Duke of Tuscany

Portrait by (1535-1607), 1587

Pisa, Museo Nazionale di Palazzo Reale

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Born in 1645: (1645 -1721), Grand Duchess of Tuscany as spouse of daughter of

Portrait by an Unknown Artist, 1665-1700

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Born in 1510: (1510-37), Duke of Florence

Portrait by (1511-74), 1534

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Born in 1616: (1616-76), Archduchess of Austria, daughter of

Portrait by (1622-1717), 1666

1 2

Born in 1610: (1610-70), Grand Duke of Tuscany

Equestrian portrait as a boy attributed to (1597-1681), ca. 1622

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Born in 1547: (1547-1562), son of Grand Duke of Tuscany

Portrait by Agnolo (1503-72), ca. 1550

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Born in 1427: (1427-82), wife of de facto Lord of Florence

Portrait by (1449-94), ca. 1475

1 3

Born in 1519: (1519-74), Grand Duke of Tuscany

Portrait by Giorgio (1511-74), 1555-62

1 1

Born in 1519: (1519-74), Grand Duke of Tuscany

Portrait by (1503-72), ca. 1545

1 2

Born in 1671: Grand Duke of Tuscany (1671-1737)

Portrait attributed to (1656-1727), 18th century

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Born in 1575: (1575-1642), Queen of France as spouse of

Portrait by Frans the Younger (1569-1622), ca. 1606-7

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Born in 1575: (1575-1642), Queen of France as spouse of

Portrait by (1536-1603), 1590s

Slovenská národná galéria

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Born in 1608: Duke of Orléans (1608-60), son of King &

Portrait by (1599-1641), 1632-4

0 1

Born in 1541: (1541-87), Grand Duke of Tuscany

Portrait by Alessandro (1535-1607), 1570-5

1 1

Born in 1622: (1622-94), Grand Duchess of Tuscany as wife of

Portrait with husband by Justus (1597-1681), ca. 1660s

0 2

Another pc from my home campaign - DeMedici, a tortle monk who runs the local soup kitchen and lobbies for baby sea turtle conservation 🌊🐢💖

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“Well if I have to run, I’m going to look good doing it.” 😂 3x07

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