I'm really excited about the new DBZ Kakarot DLC, so I wanted to make this image of Bardock with his bandana in his hand. I hope you like it

118 775

I swear poor is the poster boy for still annoys me to this day how he was utterly destroyed by as well as the game

5 21

🔴 Kakarofi y Limongohanda están en directo jugando a vamos a revivir la misma historia por enésima vez, ¡Yuju!

2 10

I love this art.

Daily Goku

Goku, Son Goku, Dragón Ball, Dragon Ball, Dragon Ball Super, manga, anime, AnimeTwt,


2 11

Saludos y feliz cumpleaños al actor
Ellos son personajes muy😎que usted doblo,tal vez no muy conocidos pero a mi me gustaron.
4.El Martillo

5 9