The green hag has lured Vanonin into a trap. The Leshen is bound by the carved banshee talisman to protect an evil sorcerer's lair. February challenge Day 16 and 17.

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Feb challenge Day 7-11: Deep gnome Henzy attempts to recover the ancestral magic boots, stolen and corrupted upon a dark altar in The Underjak. Guarded by a demon possessed fungi-beast with laser resistance.

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Day 7 of 'Gnomish Farsight Goggles'.
The reputation for gnomes to be enlightened inventors precedes them. Often by decades. So prevalent is this archetype that some of them end up believing it.

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Day 6 of 'Glirvin's Prized Mounted Fish'. He'll have you know he caught that with his own bare hands.

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Day 5 of 'Cleric of Abstinence'. I don't know the ins-and-outs of abstinence (I imagine there aren't many *badum-tssh*) but it sounds to me like the complete antithesis of Malakhi's philosophy. Wink wink, nudge nudge.

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Day 5 of the February challenge. Aldro Smoolain “Cleric of Abstinence” is confronted by a Georgia O’Keeffe inspired sentient node in a pocket dimensional tavern.

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Day 4 of While the Wardrobe Goblin is oft nought but a mischievous nuisance, pests to only tailors and yarn-spinners, they occasionally exist symbiotically within Wardrobe Mimics. So remember to always tie your shoelaces tightly, children.

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DAY 4: Wardrobe Goblin
When goblins stray from the wilds and seek employment for coin, their strength and tenacity can easily be put to good use! A goblin's intelligence though, not so much.

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