I totally just got the name Applin… because it’s in the apple…

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i got this from lin…. just saying… very cute ^.^

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Marching band Antonio with a violin…. 🥺🥺🥺🥺
(as a violinist who always wanted to do marching band this gives me life)

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New Top post on r/furry: Hello guys! What do you think of my friend here prepared for Christmas? There's nothing better for him than a good scarf on cold days... How about you, how have you been spending these cold days? (ART by me) by elitonalmeiida
Lin… https://t.co/UFMAYkGH2T

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someone please record this lil gremlin…

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checking out an art center has left a fox feelin… inspired

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Here we go again… gremlin… mercy on my handguards 🥲

Happy Wanderer release!

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Oh boi. I have this guy who is my profile picture for everything- He literally has no name (I swear I wasn’t lazy) He goes by Sir Outis :D The other guy in the last two is Merlin… thank you for this!!

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The Golden Goblin

“Aye a smiling Goblin…. Always a worry….”

(after the powers? pop over to Reddit r/BeaDnD )

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Was just ordering a cake.

I told the woman my name and she stared and said “WHAT??”then asked me to write it down.
Then she looked at it and her best attempt was: “goblin…a?”

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🧟 What Plants Trees, Hunts Zombies, and Rides Unicorns?
Hint: It's Half-Goblin…

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'A cartoon of a policeman asking a frog in a police lin…' by AI (StableDiffusion)
reply /enhance followed by image num 1-4 for AI enlarging.

BUY: https://t.co/DEcPs2tnHL

AD: Search for Dog on Amazon https://t.co/KUbE2rDBdS

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