Reposting this, because I finally managed to spread my love for Lucius even as far as Ultramar!
Yes, this happened at lot.

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Reposting Saul surprise-licking Lucius. Because pre-Heresy are giving me life. And especially Lucius and Saul.

4 25

I've got another suggestion for a horrible t-shirt for Lucius.
Suggestive shirts and go together like kimchi and cream.
The Dark Prince is pleased with their champion.

2 24

I got a beautiful suggestion for another horrible t-shirt for Lucius!
I'm so glad the "Emperor's Children have an outrageous taste in workout shirts"-trend is catching on.

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Fullgrim…I find it extremely hard to draw such pretty characters! I can never do him justice!

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Rhemael, a demon of for my warband!
He claims to be formed from shards of eldar souls during the birth of Slaanesh. Maybe his god gave him a false sense of self, maybe he‘s lying, maybe it‘s true, he‘ll be arrogant about it anyways.

13 40

Vispyrtilo has stolen another shirt from Lucius.
The are so much more like magpies than the eagles they want to be.

3 16

It's Lucius mid-fall. Between the Laern-campaign and the Maraviglia.
I want cool, flowing chiton-inspired leasure-wear for the

3 23

It's the Valentine's day-edition of
Telemachon Lyras for your viewing pleasure. I like him best of the origin-cast of characters, but can't shake the feeling he's the low-fat sugar-free version of Lucius.

2 26

And it's another
Since I'm on a SaulXLucius-roll (again), it's the Captain of the tenth Company,

5 18

I was asked to do a reverse-pic of "Lucius licking Saul". So here's Saul lick-attacking Lucius.
I can't colour for shit, so I added the better, less coloured stages.

1 12

Lucius licking Saul. Because I haven't drawn my OTP in a while and need more pre-Heresy-stuff for artistic palate-cleanse.

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