Freakazoid! is an American animated television series created by Bruce Timm and Paul Dini. One of the first series to debut on the new Kids' WB Saturday morning block of The WB, it aired for 24 episodes over 2 seasons from September 9, 1995 until June 1, 1997.

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♪Ele é super, é demais!

Freakazoid! ♫

Siga-me c :

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Runs around in his underwear Freakazoid! Freakazoid!

2 9

Sike it's Freakazoid!

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"Super teen extraordinaire"- y'all remember Freakazoid!

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Really want that Freakazoid! reboot :D

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Day 139 of the is a request for Freakazoid!

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Day 11: Freakazoid and The Lobe. Freakazoid! is one of the greatest TV cartoons ever made. End of.

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