' deep down in the
an mileperhour view like
to dig for the '


0 0

Death's stench fouls Mother's
earthy scent as banshee screams
at our mens rea

13 88

conjured by the gods
scripted in shades of sunset
destiny unfolds


9 68

' drowned by the moon
i listen to the dustpan
thrill of her breasts flopped '


0 0

between me
and the next drift of clouds

12 63

dawns light emerges
darkness sheds its skin once more
butterfly made whole

25 108

Northern star content
within horizons withal
all bucolic things 🤔😇☮️

2 27

' in the time it is
mother held my hand on my
it was the time of '


2 7

' for a parking lot
at the back of a shelter
the sound of fog clings '


0 5

' Clear autumn locked in a cache and will be happy here.
Or like the revolutionary revelation in a cache and will be happy here.
When the white sun had sunk in the many monthssince I have seen a real Fallher deciduous burlesque '


0 2

' i am the history
i touch the name andrew
turn out to be '


0 4

' over the valley
smell the rain back
wrinkles in the '


0 1

' unbraiding in the
inside the time of
i am straw who should '


0 2

' they seem to be
they reach me at the same slow
us in the forest '


0 3

' I hang the sickle moon in the grass
I wonder where my children and I look at the highest
we listen to her cleavage glistens '


0 4

After young days set
Years' harp ripples reflections
Skewed recollections

16 48

' weak points in the
this is the month of
from when i neared '


2 11

' hops across the
arrival of the surf
brought to my phone '


2 3

' slow gestures of honor to the rooky pondNo goslings disappear their small and speckled.
notations for a breath of ecstasy
Anxiously, we halt at the forbidden city '


0 2

' no mention of ranch
after the rain back
of the bus '


1 1