The French cardiologist Michel Haïssaguerre is born of 1955. In 1998 he first described the use of catheter ablation for patients with atrial fibrillation.

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In 1685 Govard Bidloo published an anatomical atlas, "#Anatomia Hvmani Corporis". The book was later plagiarized by english surgeon William Cowper for his "#Anatomy of the Humane Bodies" (1698), which gave no credit to Bidloo.

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of 1910 Vivien Theodore Thomas was born. He was an american laboratory supervisor who developed a procedure used to treat blue baby syndrome in the 1940s.

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The great italian anatomist Bartolomeo Eustachio died on august of 1574 at the age of 64. He described the tuba auditiva, which was named after him.

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Treitz's ligament takes its eponym from the czech Václav Treitz who described it for the first time in 1853. He was one of the first to support thesis and died of 1872 at the age of 53.

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of 1888 was born Ivan Magill. He was a pioneer of he performed the first intubation (blindly) of the trachea and he was responsible for many instruments used in and

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The pathologist Paul Langerhans was born of 1847. The islets of the that produce and the dendritic cells of the bear his name.
More than 50 years will pass from his of pancreatic islets to that of insulin.

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William Thomas Green died in 1868 at the age of 40. In 1846 he publicly used for the first time successfully in first for a dental extraction and then for was born.

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Aloysius "Alois" was born of 1864. He was a german and is credited with identifying the first published case of "presenile which Kraepelin would later identify as Alzheimer's disease.

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Gaspard Bauhin (1560-1624), was a swiss botanist, anatomist and who described thousands of plants. He was also disciple Girolamo Mercuriale and he worked on human anatomical nomenclature.

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Hieronymus Fabricius was born of 1533. He was an italian pioneering and known in medical as "The Father of William Harvey and Spigelius (1578–1625) also studied under him.

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In Case III of his book on 'bronzino disease' (1855), Thomas Addison describe the clinical story of a young 26-year-old carpenter. The revealed the presence of adrenal glands completely destroyed and transformed into a 'strumous' mass.

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The great German anatomist Robert Heinrich Johannes died of 1945 at the age of 76. He's remembered today for the 'Sobotta of human a masterpiece of macroscopic anatomy acclaimed for its high quality and detail.

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of 1452 was born Leonardo was given permission to dissect human corpses in Florence and later at in Milan and Rome. He made over 240 detailed drawings and and wrote a great many unpublished pages of

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In 1952 a group of US researchers led by the great cardiologist Paul Paul D. White studied the relationship between the size of and their frequency in various animals, including a 4 meter long beluga.

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Bartolomeo Estachio (1510-1574) is one of the fathers of modern His plates were lost but were fortunately found by GM Lancisi who published a commentary on these precious 47 drawings in 1714.

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of 1858 was born Oskar Minkowski. In1889, after removing the from a healthy dog, he noticed that some flies ate the dog's and that this urine contained

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Hieronymus Fabricius ab Aquapendente (1533 – 1619), was a pioneering anatomist and surgeon known in medical science as "The Father of

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The French dermatologist Jean Louis Alibert (1768-1837) performing the vaccination against - painted by Constant Joseph Desbordes.

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of 1816 was born the german physiologist Carl F. W. His work as a researcher had a major influence on the methods and apparatus used in almost all branches of

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