Ricorre oggi il bicentenario della morte del dott. Edward Jenner. Egli è stato il creatore del contro il ed ha fondato così una nuova branca della chiamata

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Hieronymus Fabricius ab Aquapendente (1533 – 1619), was a pioneering anatomist and surgeon known in medical science as "The Father of

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Andreas Vesalius ("De Humani corporis Fabrica", 1543) VS Juan Valverde (“Historia de la composición del cuerpo humano”, 1556)

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in 1868, the american dentist WTG Morton died. in 1846 discovered that the effects of could be applied to giving rise to modern practice.

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was born in 1849 William master of at . He lent his name to a number of signs and symptoms, as well as to a number of buildings that have been named for him.

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Robert Gross, a superstar of cardiac was born in 1905. performed the first closure of a "patent ductus in in 1938 and the first surgical repair of a "vascular ring" in 1945.

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Per vincere le ostruzioni uretrali causate spesso da malattie veneree, Pierre-Jules Béniqué (1806-1851) ideò delle candelette uretrali di diametro crescente che presero il suo nome.

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