Some of the glass still life paintings in watercolor being created by - varying stages of completion.

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just finished their lesson on 2pt perspective. Students selected a landmark or structure with personal significance to depict using watercolor in 4 small works, each exploring a different technique or style.

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Happy YOUTH ART MONTH!! 💥🌈🎨 I’m celebrating with this day 4 - 3 by students, 1 by me - and happy birthday to

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Happy YOUTH ART MONTH!! 💥🌈🎨 I’m celebrating again with this day 2 - 3 by students, 1 by me

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Happy YOUTH ART MONTH!! 💥🌈🎨 I’m celebrating again with this day 1 - - 3 by students, 1 oldie by me

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1/2 is using to experiment with watercolor today - trying to loosen up a bit before starting their final paintings of their

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Did you know that today is Here’s some pizza paintings from my series to get you in the mood

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More bottle shading techniques projects. My advanced 8th grade students are so creative, care and take pride in their work and their craftsmanship for 8th graders is incredible!

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At the beginning of 2nd mp was assigned an independent project - Ss designed the goals, focus, materials, techniques, and concepts to be explored. The results are coming in and I’m impressed by the dedication & creativity of these young artists!

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2/2 each object holds personal significance for the student and the composition attempts to draw the viewer in to the picture plane.

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1/2 selected small objects to draw from observation using reductive charcoal techniques.

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Some AP things are coming together as we wrap up the second marking period.

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Progress update - reductive charcoal personal objects

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is creating reductive charcoal drawings of small, personal objects.

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Progress from on reflective self portraits from direct observation. The challenge is REAL and they are crushing it!

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Amazing still life gourd drawings using colored pencil on black drawing paper created by advanced 8th graders. They created their own compositions and drew from life. Opposite colors for shadows.

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Hand contour drawing with added details by advanced 8th graders. Sketch and wash pencils added a graphite watercolor effect. Give them a hand for doing a great job on a difficult subject! 🙌

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1/3 My kids crushed this! 🍴 🥄 with someone crazy striped fabrics in pastel

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first attempts at negative space drawing - well be tackling the skeleton with this technique using ink washes next!

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