Had a first pass at my mawkrusha base! Another layer of snow to go to fill in a few bits and give more volume. Once fatty is in place I'll do some more ork on the rock so it doesn't look so stark 😁

2 15

Wife and son went to bed so for the first time in years, I've had a solo NYE! Getting stuck back into Had fun doing some building as wasn't in a painty mood 😁 still need some tidying and greenstuff

5 84

What an awesome afternoon!!

Ben played Dan Wosleys wanderers with his Iromjawz and it was a total blood bath, nearly everything was dead by the end of turn 2. Hard not to yell whaaaaagh! at the top of your lungs when you charge with an ironjawz army!!

7 22

Not a very exciting today, but here's my "improved"(?) Ironjawz basing w/ added Agrellan Earth

3 24