AoS is cool actually Day 5: Ironjawz

Orruks are iconic to the forces of Destruction, being the closest to the form most people know Gorkamorka as. Green, teethy, bulky, strong, and very enthusiastic about krumpin'.
And of all the orruks, the Ironjawz reflects this the most.

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When the Orcs go stomping to battle… who you going to call? 🎲 Check out the new rework on

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We're continuing our preview of Champions of Destruction for AoS: Soulbound today!

Last time we revealed the brutal Ironjawz. Today we’re sharing a look at the Waaagh!-filled, beast-huntin’ Bonespliitterz!

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Our preview of Champions of Destruction continues for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound!

Last time we revealed the kunnin’ Kruleboyz and today we’re taking a look at the brutal Ironjawz!


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Went to the dentist this morning for fillings. I really should have asked her to give me some so I can be a propa nob! How else am I gonna lead my

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AoS translation of Bloodbowl Preorder preview:
Pickup your Anvilgard City Guard, ideal for Broken Realms Morathi
Awesome Ironjawz base models with characterful grots
Great Dragon Ogor base model
Fantastic Treelord/Alternate drycha base model

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Here's an older work, but definitely one of my favorites. The Icejawz were my first army I painted after getting back into the hobby in 2017.

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Smashing tournament at this evening - snagged third place with Ironjawz . Haven’t played for a while but feel properly into it again !

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Needs. Tidy up. But, that's my second warchanter built! 😁

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Amazing Ironjawz army Da Mourntoofs by

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Apologies for incessant pics but I'm so close now! Got the blue and oramge pretty much done. So really closing in now...also for something different a WIP CP counter!

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just polished off these ladz. Defo broken the back of the army now!

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Been getting some details done on these 2 party-starters! 😂 few tidy ups to do but quite happy with the 'glowsticks'/eyes.

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Had a first pass at my mawkrusha base! Another layer of snow to go to fill in a few bits and give more volume. Once fatty is in place I'll do some more ork on the rock so it doesn't look so stark 😁

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Wife and son went to bed so for the first time in years, I've had a solo NYE! Getting stuck back into Had fun doing some building as wasn't in a painty mood 😁 still need some tidying and greenstuff

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Thanks to initiative roll in round 5, Darkling Covens and Ironjawz manage to steal away the victory from Sacrosanct Chamber and Beast of Chaos, despite of being tabled! Incredible close game 🙈

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What an awesome afternoon!!

Ben played Dan Wosleys wanderers with his Iromjawz and it was a total blood bath, nearly everything was dead by the end of turn 2. Hard not to yell whaaaaagh! at the top of your lungs when you charge with an ironjawz army!!

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Should have learnt while painting the maw krusha, don’t individually highlight scales/fur.

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