

Hyvää juhannusta!

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Ukko Tammelantorilla tänään. Hyvää pienellä kirjoitettua juhannusta!

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Midsummer magic❤️💜🌼
According to Finnish folk magic, if it's Juhannus and you look into a body of water whilst not wearing any clothes, you'll see your future spouse...

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Have a sunny Midsummer! The Devs are off to celebrate the nightless night!
In Finland, Midsummer eve is time for love spells. Eleanna has collected seven flowers that she will place under her pillow to see “the one” in a dream.

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Hyvää juhannusta!🌞

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Iloista Juhannusta, ottakaa tämä kesken jäänyt joku.

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Oikein hauskaa juhannusta kaikille!

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Happy Juhannus! ✨ Midsummer is here, and in Finland we like to go to sauna and clean ourselves with saunavihta! (birch whisk) 🍃

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Myöhäisillan näkymä Tampereen Jussinkylän Polvikadulta. / Quick late night sketch from my home town. This one is from the Juhannuskylä area. Drawn on location, Procreate / iPad Pro.

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Seven Different Flowers 💐

Happy !

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Hyvää juhannusta~ 🐉🌿

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☀️Midsummer’s Bride☀️

Lup would love the light filled nights! Also I just really wanted to draw her with a long skirt and flower crown.

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Happy Hauskaa juhannusta!
To me fuchsia flowers are synonymous with summer ☀️ This was a fun little commission for a private client.

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