Warm on Tokyo today. Which means the rainy season in not too far away. リュウは梅雨が嫌いです。#kicstudio     

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Why is he smiling? He just heard the good news that Ki Creative Studio Drawing Workshop will return with ONLINE tips and sessions!
What HOW TO DRAW topics would you like to see?? Please leave comments and requests below!

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Ki Creative Studio のドローイングワークショップのオンラインセッションをスタートします!


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Squash and Stretch(スクオッシュとストレッチ) "血の通った生物なら、たとえどんなに骨ばっていようと、動いている間には、その形状が許す範囲の中でかなりの動きを示すものだ。"
- フランク・トーマス、オーリー・ジョンストン著『The Illusion of Life dawing  

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doodles in the sketchbook.

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"The most valuable tool you will ever use as an artist is your pencil. It your 'thinking' tool" - from the Famous Artists Course   

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Thank you again Ms. Juri Billy Doll for modeling for my KiCreativeStudio drawing workshop! You were one if our most popular for 2019! Looking forward to seeing you again in 2020!    

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