Research into Leonardo Da Vinci's (1452-1519) historic January 1513 Rome "Portrait of Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) in Papal Knight's Dress" LEFT Signed by "LDV" White Monogram within the Beard-Physiognomy verified by Michelangelo's 1564 "Death Mask" taken 51 years later 🧑‍🎨

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SECTION DETAIL In 50+ yrs Research this just happens to be among the finest Portrait Masterpieces ever created-Leonardo Da Vinci's Rome Circa 1513"Portrait of Michelangelo Buonarroti in (Papal?) Knights Dress"at height of Career-Signed autograph "LDV" Monogramme on Beard-ARROW 🧑‍🎨

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Leonardo Da Vinci's historic Rome Circa 1513 "Portrait of Michelangelo Buonarroti in Knights Dress" at height of
Career-Signed White autograph "LDV" Monogramme on Beard-ARROW-created 2 years earlier than Francis I" The youngest "Lifelike" portrayal by Leonardo his older Peer. 🧑‍🎨

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RIGHT is Pendant composition to Leonardo Da Vinci's 1515 Bologna Signed-Dated-Titled"Portrait of Francios I" LEFT-Leonardo's historic Rome 1513"Portrait of Michelangelo Buonarroti in Knights Dress"at height of
Career-Signed White"LDV"Monogramme on Beard created 2 years earlier🧑‍🎨

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Further to posts below we're pleased to advise as a result of research to have discovered among other Inscriptions a full small 1515 Date and autograph "LDV" Monogramme on the central Ear Lobe,confirming this as Leonardo Da Vinci's 1515"Bologna Portrait of Francicis I at 21Years"

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VF-LdV- 3Dマップ上を散歩するゲームです。職業を15種類から選び、旅人の主人公になって、城壁都市上空を飛ぶドラゴンの数を数えたり、雨の日にしか見えない景色をみたり、パン屋を巡るミッションなどがランダムで発生します。日本語版はパッチを当ててください (※ネタです)

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À vous de choisir quelle sera la prochaine paire 👇🏻

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Don't panic!! 1940, the Local Defence Volunteers were renamed The Home Guard by Winston Churchill. Members of the LDV in Charlwood, Surrey, stand armed with shotguns ready to repel any invaders. Photos in The Bystander, © Illustrated London News Ltd

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Nike LDV Waffle illustrated: Style by Michael Cutini

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